Authentication methods: What makes digital signature software secure are its authentication methods.Digital signature software simplifies this process by letting users electronically sign documents using various verification methods, allowing faster transactions and deal closure. The process is further complicated if documents must be routed across cities and countries. Faster deal closure: Managing paper-based signature workflows require significant time spent physically moving the document from one signee to another, and the amount of follow-up effort can be overwhelming.Some solutions also offer audit trails, which log document activities from start to finish (including forwarding, printing, signing, and declining a signatory). As an example, digital signature solutions automatically generate certificates of completion as soon as each transaction is completed. Digital signature program facilitates compliance by enforcing these standards at the point-of-use. Non-compliance can result in the repudiation of contracts. Facilitate compliance with document standards/requirements: Depending on type, businesses must ensure that their documents meet certain standards/requirements and include - among other things - watermarks, certificates of completion, and signature disclosure.Users can also track the real-time status of needed signatures in a dashboard. Digital signature solutions let users design a workflow using different routing logics, such as parallel (signed by multiple signees in no particular order), series (signed by multiple signees in a specified order), and mixed (combination of series and parallel methods).
Manual methods require tracking multiple people who need to sign a document, and often require users to manually route the document from one signee to another. Efficient signature workflow: Manual document signature workflow management can be time consuming.